Uh-oh, going down a TV Tropes wormhole.....
I completely forgot that the incest couple lived happily ever after. The 90s were wild...
Dr Who has a lot of entries in this, but then it has been around for billions of years, so....
Colin Baker is the 'Jerk Doctor'
There's going to be quite a few of these in British pop culture, aren't there?
The Beast, Savile...
Nothing about America surprises me anymore. "Christian Puppet Show Peado Cannibal"
Yeah sure, whatever, next!
Okay, THAT ONE actually tripped me up a bit.
@Lazarou And let me guess -- he is not a drag queen or trans person.
@crdfilm nope, another Church going weirdo! We are all very surprised....
@Lazarou and eat? I didn't see that coming!