We can destroy him. His world is a house of cards
Imagine the message that would send to the other Oligarchs!
This just in....
"The report also points to other red flags, like Tesla claiming to sit on $37 billion in cash and yet it raised $6 billion in new debt last year."
@Lazarou The more pressure is applied the more the grifts fall apart. As Tesla tumbles, Twitter falls. Elon goes down. No longer able to fund Trump the whole Fugazi unwinds. They've both backed themselves into corners. They need each other to stay ahead of their law suits and lies. They've severely over played their hands. They under estimate the power of the people.
@bebadefabo @Lazarou unfortunately that's what makes them so dangerous.
@bebadefabo @Lazarou oh god Jack Dorsey gunna buy twitter back for just a few million isn’t he?
@Lazarou Another thread said his margin calls will come in if the Tesla stock price drops to 144. The low was 229 yesterday, so still a way to go. But getting there from the 479 high in December.