This is a timeline cleanser every #DoctorWho fan needs: Tom Baker covered in #kittens!
@amin @LinuxAndYarn @thedoctor
Now that does my heart some real good!
I wonder when it was taken.
I was just thinking about his appearance on the 50th anniversary special, and how sad I felt when he said that the only one who really acknowledged him or spoke to him was Matt Smith.
@rl_dane @amin @LinuxAndYarn I loved that episode!
@LinuxAndYarn I wonder if those kittens will turn into members of the Sisters of Plentitude or are related to Catkind Thomas Kincade Brannigan
@LinuxAndYarn I just want genial old people in sweaters covered in kittens in my timeline now
@LinuxAndYarn boosted, but i gotta be honest: this is the Doctor of my childhood and my least favorite. i just found him too creepy. am more of a 10 kinda girl.
@LinuxAndYarn The long way around, kitten style! #DoctorWho #CatsOfMastodon
They seem to be enjoying the exploration.
@LinuxAndYarn he used to be Jon Pertwee
@LinuxAndYarn Best Doctor ever!!
@LinuxAndYarn damn! This is not fair! :)
@LinuxAndYarn My former near neighbour. Lovely man.