@MaSiKa69 I don't know what EU is waiting for? To have courage credit to spend?
Just do what china did, they demanded the source code of all the OS.
how nice would it be a law where it is mandatory to share the code and blueprints with a free license one, you can even make business with a free license, not only helping your neighbours.
joseph prusa of https://Prusa3D.com was even published on forbes, with open hardware and free software.
Really, we could be free, i
fs we demanded the blueprints and source code.
They can keep the money, just give us the source of win 7 and the blueprints and source of the bots and robots of amazon.
Lack of believing in oneself, it is definitely a problem nowadays.
@MaSiKa69 Weeks? Did you mean 'minutes', or 'hours'?
@theron29 I agree that the initial setup can been done fast but to replace the whole system of a medium to large company or government department, you will need several weeks to know what's been used. In parallel, all can be migrated.
@MaSiKa69 Yes, in this extended context, I agree