@humanhorseshoes @ekis @EUCommission Yes exactly that. In the simple words: there way to many variations of this standard which plenty of times lead people to bunch of confusions and by that to spending tons of money on finding the right one cable/charger/other devices and so on. I have in the box in my workshop over 30 different types of usb-c cables lying down there. And there are many more out there manufactured. It's an absolute total nightmare! Even for people who well knows electronics.
@MartinaNeumayer @humanhorseshoes @ekis @EUCommission Well written, Sweetie! EU did something but as usual they didn't researched the topic correctly, as they should do. And at the end we all have even worse mess actually, than we had before. Typical EU crap! They are sitting there in Brüssel, inventing plenty of stupid things and later only people are suffering from their emptyheadness. And we all are paying for trash like that and for their monthly salaries! Imagine that!
@MartinBe @humanhorseshoes @EUCommission What else can be written to that? I am bit older than you and also old enough to be able to see all the dumb things they have been doing for plenty of years. From the beginning of their experience even. Nothing really changed trough the years. New methods are only now, but the common sense remain that same as it was decades before. So what other would you expect? Nothing pretty much, don't you? It is a waste of time, money, resources and efforts. Imho.