@feld @MichaelPorter @LALegault The content on the photo picker is managed by iOS, which is out of an third-party app’s control.
@MonaApp @feld @LALegault Okay, I think there might also be a role being played by your particular instance. I had a conversation with my admin @leigh some time ago, and we decided EXIF data gets stripped.
Not sure. In any case:
I just tried uploading a photo with location included, and when I downloaded it there was nothing in the EXIF data besides width, height, and resolution.
@MichaelPorter @feld @LALegault @leigh Not sure about other apps, but for Mona, the location info is removed before uploading via kCGImageMetadataShouldExcludeGPS https://developer.apple.com/documentation/imageio/kcgimagemetadatashouldexcludegps