@actuallyautistic Let's talk emotional dysregulation.
What does it mean for you? How does it manifest in your life?
I've been searching for relatable content around this subject, and I've had a hard time finding anything. Most articles - including ones from neurodivergent and neuroaffirming sources that I could find - talk about what it is and what it means, but not how it feels or what it looks like in reality.
What are some examples of it in your life?
If you have any resources on the subject you're able to share, that would be appreciated too!
@actuallyautistic What got me thinking about this was watching a show where a married couple were in a heated argument, then all of a sudden one cracked a joke and relieved the tension and all was fine.
You see that a lot in movies and TV shows. The most obvious trope being when a heated argument turns into passionate intimacy.
Is that fiction? Can people (Allistics, NTs, anyone) really turn their emotions on a dime like that?
@dave Yes, I had a partner who was like this… He would want to be intimate after an argument, and I would still be upset because I was trying to find the words to express my feelings, and when I get like that, I am very disregulated and oversensitive to any kind of sensory input, so I do not actually even want to be touched. I want to be left alone to figure out how I feel, but this person's emotions could just turn on a dime. It was wild.
@Pawpower That blows my mind. I relate completely to you - when things get heated, I'm usually either fleeing or shutting down. And I'm so overwhelmed with emotions, and so upset, I can't even fathom being able to control those feelings and flip them on a whim.
I need to go be alone to calm myself down.
@dave Another way this manifest is Neurotypical people want to hug after a fight as some sort of… Demonstration that there is no ill will! Meanwhile, you do not want my hands that close to your throat! Trust me! One of the things I find most frustrating about Neurotypical people is the way that everything has to happen right now! We have to talk about our feelings right now. They don't understand that I don't know and I need time to process.