oh my.
Conservative leader Pierre #Poilievre called #DougFord this Monday to ask for his help in the upcoming federal election campaign, but the premier told him he would be "too busy governing Ontario".
Ford was also peeved at Poilievre’s refusal to send out a congratulatory message after the premier won his election last month.
“It was ridiculous and childish. Conservatives should be happy when Conservatives win”
Is Ford worried about being associated with PP losing badly?
My hypothesis: Ford has designs on replacing PP when the later loses and gets turfed by The Party. He doesn’t want any of PP’s taint to rub off on him.
And yes, I chose ‘taint’ on purpose.
You’re welcome.
@Crispius @EricLawton Could Doug eliminate the prime ministerial dual language requirement?
Is it constitutional, or could he ram through a new language law using the notwithstanding clause?
There is no requirement in the Official Languages Act that says federal MPs, including the PM, need to be bilingual. Remember the furore over Mary Simon being appointed GG when she didn’t speak French?
The only thing that would prevent Doug Ford from successfully becoming PM is the federal Conservatives not winning enough seats with him as leader.
@Sanderde @gemelliz @Crispius @EricLawton
Anyone who remembers Diefenbaker speaking French would agree that being bilingual is not a requirement for Prime Minister....
@paulbusch @Sanderde @Crispius @EricLawton
- not many posters on here remember "ol' Dief"
@gemelliz @Sanderde @Crispius @EricLawton
I know.... sigh....
@paulbusch @gemelliz @Sanderde @Crispius @EricLawton Suddenly need to hear Dief do that
@RDMMMMM @gemelliz @Sanderde @Crispius @EricLawton
I searched YouTube but no luck. CBC must have some archived audio.
I remember Rich Little (really dating myself) doing an impression of Dief speaking French that was pretty funny.