Our 4-year-old son suffered an asthma attack. We rushed him to his doctor, who refused treatment. Why? Because our health insurance wouldn’t cover it.
We had UnitedHealth—who leads the industry in rejecting 32% of all claims.
We must end the violence in America’s health system.
@paul @QasimRashid Nixon, a republican enacted for-profit medicine in the USA, 1970ish. Capitalism is the problem that includes a misconception that it serves the masses. It Does Not. it is cannibalistic because there are too many humans, who want max profits at the expense of others
Btw, if anyone in this conversation failed to vote for Harris because of a single issue: Gaza, then you deserve the coming pain of another Trump presidency debacle.
I can make a good argument that greed, rather than Regan, brought down the USSR.
If I remember correctly (and if I was taught the truth) Orwell's #1984 was about #communism but I think, in light of the present, that the moral applies equally to any society led by elitists.
I don't think limited #capitalism (with #publicsafety, #corrections, #masstransit, #education & #healthcare excluded) is that bad.
I think it's the greed & arrogance that bring the fall of all
@Impish4249 @Huntn00 @paul @QasimRashid
That depends on what you mean by "that bad." Limited capitalism is not "that bad" compared to unregulated capitalism, but it is "that bad" when compared to socialism, a system where the working class, the majority of society, has control and ownership over the means of production that they use to create the products of society and are able to collectively keep all of the fruits of their labor.
@Radical_EgoCom @Huntn00 @paul @QasimRashid
I think #socialism is a great ideal, but part of making a sea change in a country with the current #education level of the USA is working toward the possible. There are millions of poisoned minds here that are convinced that socialism == #totalitarianism, to gain traction we need to start with something comparatively simple. If the #USA could achieve #universalhealthcare in my lifetime without a massive letting of blood that would be miraculous.
@Impish4249 @Huntn00 @paul @QasimRashid
The goal, for me, is socialism, not capitalist reforms. As good as a universal healthcare reform would be for America (and I wouldn't be upset if America developed a universal healthcare reform), the focus for the achievement of socialism should be the abolition of capitalism, not trying to reform capitalism in an attempt to make it better.