Every now and again someone will call me a meth head on Scoopz as I am hyper and a bit twitchy.
All I have to type is "I have Tourettes," and they immediately get mobbed or delete the comment.
I find this very entertaining xD
They love to make fun of people on welfare and disability, right up until they actually make fun of someone disabled by accident.
Then run away when they can't take the heat.
So how do I find your videos on scoopz?
@bardmoss I have posted a bunch on my profile already.
But here is a link to my Scoopz page directly - https://scoopzapp.com/@316795894?s=a7&pd=0LRF5CpA&hl=en_US&send_time=1742320178&actBtn=null
Got it, thanks. I watched a few but I got a lot to catch up on.
@bardmoss I post like four a day because my health is too fucked up to do much else right now.
So don't feel like you need to xD
@PepperTheVixen @RationalizedInsanity I've had people wonder what I was smoking, nope, it's just ADHD and the problem I didn't smoke anything lol! and no, most people can't take it when they get called out, which is something we need to relearn as a society.
@TheZooLady @PepperTheVixen I have really bad ADHD as well because it's usually a packaged deal with OCD when you have Tourettes.
I've literally had people doing job interviews ask me if I was on drugs before. I am twitchy even when trying my hardest not to be.
I said "you know, I literally put that I have a disability on my application... Do you know what Tourettes is?"
Then they get really embarrassed, the interview gets really awkward, and then they never call me back.