@doctorjaymarie@mastodon.world @MikeyMcFilms
Let's push this joke format to the nerd limit.
Three logicians walk into a bar.
The barman asks "Would you all like a drink?"
The first logician says "I don't know".
The second logician says "I don't know, either."
The third says "Yes. Yes we would."
@doctorjaymarie@mastodon.world @MikeyMcFilms
A tachyon asks for a drink.
A proton walks into a bar and orders a drink. The barman asks "are you sure?"
The proton replies "Yes, I'm positive".
A neutron walks into a bar. The barman pulls a pint and the neutron asks how much.
The barman replies, "for you, sir, no charge."
Later, a neutrino walks through the bar.
A tachyon walks into a bar.
@Rhodium103 @doctorjaymarie @MikeyMcFilms Gotta love a good physics joke
@SamanthaJaneSmith @doctorjaymarie@mastodon.world @MikeyMcFilms We have to stick with physics jokes because the good chemistry ones argon.
@Rhodium103 @SamanthaJaneSmith @doctorjaymarie @MikeyMcFilms
all those tech guys took 'em - 'bro-mine!' they screamed
@SamanthaJaneSmith @Rhodium103 @doctorjaymarie @MikeyMcFilms
these puns are elemental
pure gold
not to be hoarded: i will never barium like pirate treasure, i will share even with apple folk -- feel free to cerium, she knows 'em all.
@Rhodium103 @SamanthaJaneSmith @doctorjaymarie@mastodon.world @MikeyMcFilms well done
@Rhodium103 @doctorjaymarie @MikeyMcFilms A bar walks into a physicist.
Oops, wrong reference frame.
@Rhodium103 @doctorjaymarie @MikeyMcFilms
A Higgs boson goes into a Catholic church. The priest says "you can't be here, calling yourself the god particle is sacrilege!"
The Higgs boson says, "okay, I'll go. But I'm curious--without me, how do you have Mass?"
@WizardOfDocs @Rhodium103 @doctorjaymarie@mastodon.world
I like it
TBH, that Higgs Boson shouldn’t be too cocky about having any mass to speak of. I keep forgetting where I put mine, and it’s REALLY hard to find again.
@WizardOfDocs @Rhodium103 @doctorjaymarie @MikeyMcFilms oh that deserves a golf clap for sure. Beauty.
@WizardOfDocs @Rhodium103 @doctorjaymarie @MikeyMcFilms
Higgs flounces out…
The Proton stands up, emboldened, and decides to throw his newly found weight around:
“Good riddance. He was particularly annoying. Always preaching to the quarks!”
“I only came here to escape the cold dark void”
Sobs the Neutron, in a reduced state.
“Stop overreacting!”
Whispers the priest.
“It’s bad for business”
…and so on
@Rhodium103@mastodon.social @doctorjaymarie@mastodon.world @MikeyMcFilms@mastodon.social
They want to share a drink or each have their own, though?
After how many drinks a logican would be fuzzy?
“It depends”, says a Talmudist.
@doctorjaymarie@mastodon.world @MikeyMcFilms