Whew. Got the first of the two Shingles vaccine shots yesterday and it kicked my ass last night and continues kicking today.
@WarnerCrocker It does. During the COVID vaccination push those who had had the Shingles vaccine would comment “Pah! This is nothing”.
@WarnerCrocker My side effects lasted for weeks for both shots. Still worth it though.
@WarnerCrocker It really is an ass-kicking vaccine. The only one I've ever had that hurt more was for yellow fever.
@WarnerCrocker Yeah, the shingles shots do that to a lot of people — including me, and I don't tend to react to vaccinations much at all. Better than getting shingles, though!
@WarnerCrocker Oh not cool. I need to get my first here soon. Maybe I shouldn’t get mine with my flu shot lol.