@kaia you only need the recipient name, not the address, if your invoice is below 250€: https://www.gruenderlexikon.de/checkliste/fuehren/rechnungen-schreiben/rechnung-pflichtangaben/
@kaia not my personal expertise, so just googling.
See details here: https://www.lexware.de/wissen/unternehmerlexikon/paragraph-14-ustg/ (kleinbetragsrechnung)
As well as: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ustdv_1980/__33.html
So, if it's below 250€, you only need to provide your own details - but none of the details of the recipient.
Which matches the bill at the supermarkets...
As always: check with your tax advisor. If self employed, you do want to have one (the cost is tax deductible!)