How do people cross post between this and Twitter?
Tools? Hints & Tips?
@antonymarcano @jasongorman @jchyip @kentbeck @lisacrispin I think the shark for crossposting has jumped. I gave up twitter.
@mostalive fair play... While I'm not a fan of its owner, there's good people there... so, while I've largely given up on the product, I've not given up on the people.
Hopefully some of those who do cross post will give me some tips.
@antonymarcano I understand. Manual I am afraid, APIs have been destroyed.
@antonymarcano @jchyip @jasongorman @mostalive @kentbeck I think the crossposting tools went away when Twitter stopped allowing API for free. I did it at first while there were still apps for it, but it’s way too confusing so I’d already stopped. So many of my community still use Twitter, I’m still there too. This is so different.
@lisacrispin manual cross-posting it is then :-)
@antonymarcano Yes, I have to post donkey pictures multiple times! I love the #asstodon hashtag here, btw.
@antonymarcano @jasongorman @jchyip @kentbeck @lisacrispin @mostalive
You can't AFAIK. Space Karen took away the API...
@antonymarcano @jasongorman @kentbeck @lisacrispin @mostalive I generally don’t but do it manually if I do