I got RATE LIMITED during this thread, with 8 minute timeout.
I didn't get the timeout while posting the same amount of pictures of Indian widows...
@appassionato for that, you have to speak with the people running your Mastodon instance. If you aren't happy with their rules/decisions, search for a Mastodon instance that is matching your expectations. Mastodon.social is having spam issues, though. So could also be due to a current spam wave or similar things. Probably a smaller instance is better anyway. Use the decentralisation of the fediverse.
@appassionato @palestine yes. Australia's white Australia policy which deliberately separated children from everything cultural, even sending some to other 'white nations' in an attempt to breed being Aboriginal out of them was a Genocide.
Separating children from their parents.
@appassionato yes, sorry. I can't cope with this today. I'll be back.
Lies, Damned Lies by Claire G. Coleman, 2021
A deeply personal exploration of Australia's colonisation past, present and future by one of Australia's finest contemporary authors.
Colonisation in Australia is not over. Colonisation is a process, not an event – and the after-effects will continue while there are still people to remember it.