Daily Telescope: The rings around Uranus sure are shiny
Hopefully we revisit this world in our lifetimes.
@arstechnica stop looking at my shiny anus rings you perverts
Most people don't and CAN'T comprehend the size and numbers in the cosmos. There is no known end.
@GatekeepKen @arstechnica Infinity: simultaneously understood as a concept mathematically and incomprehensible in our reality. This qualifies the idea, we are not as nearly as knowledgeable about this reality as some of us think we are. And to be drawing specific conclusions about this reality and our personal fates whether that be ashes to ashes, heaven/hell, might be comforting, but is premature. I prefer the idea of “other” an open ended transformation.
@arstechnica Surely Eric could have invited Beth along as a coauthor on this one.