New app always points to the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy
iPhone compass app made with AI assistance locates the heart of the Milky Way.
@arstechnica "with AI assistance"
For the love of god: We have a choice to make - either from now on every single electrical thing is "AI" or we stop using the term for BS like this.
Is a compass "AI"?
Is a pocket calculator "AI"?
Is multiplying floating point numbers "AI"?
C'mon, eh.
@ftranschel @arstechnica I'm sure my shoes were designed in a computer program at some stage - I guess I have AI enhanced shoes.
@ftranschel @arstechnica Based on the history of like e- and i prefixes, and kit suffixes, it could be a bit of a ride and it may only extinguish when some equally foolish trend arises.
@cowman @arstechnica Yep. My bets a re on quantum.
I never leave home without knowing where that black hole is! What an idiotic useless app.
@godzero @arstechnica I think for astronomical purposes it could be helpful to know where the center of the galaxy is... But there are other apps that show you a complete star map in 3D... So that's nothing more than a gimmick and actually "not that complicated" to do.
@arstechnica TL;DR A guy wanted to make a cool silly app, but could not really code, so he helped himself using ChatGPT to write an app that somehow works (but only if the phone lies flat, because neither him nor ChatGPT managed to fully figure out the math). The result is a silly app and a clickbaity news article that crams the word "AI" into the title.
I'm unfollowing Ars Technica - most of the articles are of really low quality with clickbait titles like this one.
@vitSkalicky @arstechnica I wonder what the difficulties could be for the «needs to lie flat» mathematical part, as it's probably the most trivial part of the whole calculation.
The journey seems to have been interesting for the author, at least, but a lot less for the reader, as the source code is not there.
@arstechnica ‘This Way to the Egress!’ loomed large in Barnum’s biographical anecdotes.
@arstechnica I think it is funny the app is in the travel category
@arstechnica If the app doesn't immediately start playing the Muse song then what is even the point?