Department of Energy’s plan to track Bitcoin mining put on hold by judge
The Department of Energy wants to know how 2% of the US's electricity is being used.
@arstechnica Its probably not AWS, Azure, and GCP getting discounted power and not paying any taxes for their datacenters or sales.
@systemadminihater @arstechnica definitely not. Nor is it Apple, Facebook or Twitter
@kroltanz @arstechnica When I used to work for ISPs/hosting companies building a datacenter was one of the riskiest things you could do. Now you are an idiot if you cant make money on them due to the insane corporate welfare for trillionaires.
@arstechnica Winder how much Bitcoin said judge owns?
@arstechnica Soso. Die «minining companies» fürchten irreparablen Schaden, wenn bekannt würde, wie viel Energie sie verbrauchen. Und das wird von einem Richter so geschützt. Merke: Das Recht, diese Welt zu zerstören steht über allem Anderen.
@arstechnica This is another reason why #Monero is what people thought #Bitcoin would be: Monero’s decentralized, individual CPU-based mining.
#decentralized and #uncensorable. Impossible to regulate. Impossible to govern except by consensus.
@dragonsidedd @arstechnica only solo or p2pool