Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion
Family of dead Titanic expert blasts "hip" electronics.
@arstechnica So, a sub called "Titan," built to visit the Titanic wreck, should have been made of titanium? Who could have known?
@arstechnica the controller was probably the most reliable thing on the sub. Millions sold would allow you to calculate the MTBF and they are cheap enough to carry spares.
@MaybeMyMonkeys @arstechnica agreed. No harder test than surviving hundreds of hours of abuse in the sweaty hands of a hormonal teenager.
@MaybeMyMonkeys @arstechnica MTBF is the least of your worries. COTS parts are fine if you actually do the work of commercial grade dedication - the basic safety analysis, equipment qualification, and QA work necessary to assure a part is fit for use in its intended environment. It's tedious and expensive but that's what you sign up for when you work on safety-related equipment. People are dead because this guy cheaped out and didn't do the work :(
It's stunning to think that anyone would let their lives depend on Bluetooth technology.
I must have, at this point, spent days of my life fighting with Bluetooth: connecting, disconnecting, pairing, unpairing, getting it to connect to THIS device and not THAT device. Aggravating, unreliable, insecure and ... the only interface you're given on an increasing number of devices.
@arstechnica or you know, maybe just realize a submarine is more than a video game.