The 2024 VW Golf GTI is the last of its kind with a manual transmission
Get the manual while you can.
Or maybe DON’T get a manual while you can? Because fossil fuel powered cars are destroying the planetary systems we depend upon for life?
@arstechnica Ugh, I thought they were getting rid of those capacitive touch fake buttons after how much people hated them on the id4? Guess I’m hanging onto my 2017 GTI for a while longer.
@mpirnat @arstechnica
I sat in a Golf R a couple of weeks ago, ready to buy… except for that dash. No thanks. Also keeping my GTI.
@arstechnica Probably bigger news is the 2024 base Jetta looks like the last economy sedan with a manual in the US
@arstechnica I have never owned, as my personal car, a car with an automatic transmission.
(I drive a Mazda Miata.)
Long live the clutch pedal!!!
<cries just a little>
@arstechnica Love my 2008 Stick. Every time I think about replacing it I remember that all the latest cars are stuffed with surveillance tech. In theory you can disable it but that looks like a huge PITA.
@lemgandi @arstechnica also I have zero doubt it would void your warranty.
@callisto @arstechnica Ha. I have voided warranties before.