Taylor Swift cites AI deepfakes in endorsement for Kamala Harris
Taylor Swift on AI: "The simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth."
@arstechnica showing your Conde Nast roots in the ambiguity of this headline, which suggests the deepfakes were of her endorsement of Harris, not the faked ones of Trump.
Next time you send a deceiving title like this Arstechnica, I will block your idiotic ass
@arstechnica @Chancerubbage @pthenq1 there's nothing grammatically wrong with Ars Technica's headline for this article.
My fiancée (who is a bit of a Swiftee) and I are both proud of Taylor for her positive response to what was a hijacking of her image for ill-gotten political gain.
If one somehow did not already know the background, the headline as worded could be parsed as laying the angering deepfake onto the wrong party.
@arstechnica sentence phrasing is definitely ambiguous. All they needed to do was insert a comma in place of the "in" to avoid confusion. The misleading title was intentional.