@praetor @augieray I think that, in the USA, the CDC gave up. The only people following their epidemic protocols and best guidance don't need to hear it again, and the rest of the country isn't going to follow it anyway. The last numbers I could count on said 2,000 dead per week and increasing in the USA, but the CDC either stopped tracking it or stopped reporting it: good numbers are now hard to get. PS: my family still wears the mask.
@wbpeckham @praetor@social.sdf.org I am not aware of any nations in the West taking precautions and providing good guidance. And the CDC still does count deaths--they've been dropping since mid-January and are declining toward 1,000 a week currently.
@wbpeckham @praetor@social.sdf.org Here is the data: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklydeaths_select_00