Mastodon recommends I introduce myself: I love learning. I love teaching. A lot of those things take place for me in a #highered context and by hosting the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. I also enjoy geeking out about Mac stuff and making slide decks. I choose joy on most days and like going for walks.
@bonni208 Welcome, Bonni! Or welcome back, since you say you had an earlier account. I hope the move went smoothly.
Apparently using CamelCase in hashtags is helpful. It allows the screen readers that visually impaired people use to know how to break them up. It also helps human readers in some instances. #HigherEd is easier to parse than the same hashtag in all lower case.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to learning more about Mac stuff from you!
@bodhipaksa Thanks for letting me know about the CamelCase tip. #AlwaysLearning Yes, I moved from a self-hosted Mastodon instance to this one... It was smooth sailing and I'm glad to still get to connect with those I was connected with, previously.
@bonni208 You're welcome. I hope it didn't come across as a nag!
I wish you all the best with rebuilding your connections here.