A private jet pilot tangential to my work has had covid “at least 4 times.” That’s for private (with less interaction with the public), so commercial must be way worse. We now know that each covid infection causes brain damage & increases risk of disability. I don’t see how this works out. If the average pilot is getting covid at least once a year, we are going to run out of pilots very, very soon. Enjoy your unnecessary flights bc there’s just no way this is going to continue much longer.
@carlysagan worse still, we’re going to get a lot more pilot error along the way
@cultdev exactly. I don’t want to get on a plane when the pilot has had covid brain fog 5 times. No thanks. As someone who has undergone flight medical screenings, there’s no system in place for them to even begin diagnosing this problem
@carlysagan Well, in a way, I hope you are right and that this problem of everyone flying everywhere all the time takes care of itself. Sucks to get Covid tho. I really don't wish that on anyone. Not even pilots.
@t36s idk, with the number of ppl who have said they got covid from x trip, I don’t want to go on trips. A disaster seems to be brewing - pilots are smart & will figure out that the industry is literally killing them - & if not, there will just be increases in accidents I guess