"In just under two-and-a-half minutes, Bishop Mariann Budde, fully comfortable in her own skin and righteously firm in Christ’s teachings, did more to challenge Trump than the whole of American political media in the past ten weeks."
@charlotteclymer Wonderful woman
@charlotteclymer Wonderful Woman .... but ... That fuckin White Moron Racist, Sexist, Narcist ... doesn't give a Fuck what any other person says.
@charlotteclymer OMG, did you see VP of Eyeliner threatened the CATHOLIC bishops because of Bishop Budde's speech? I heard that on the news this morning and was absolutely gobsmacked. I mean, if the Catholics had female bishops, I might still be a Catholic. Good lord, these people are too stupid to be in charge.
@charlotteclymer if only the democratic party had that much guts -- and principle
@charlotteclymer Past ten years more like.