The best part of FaceTiming with AVP is inevitably something funny happens then everyone starts laughing then everyones' Personas look funny when laughing which makes you laugh even harder into an endless cycle of laughter
@christianselig @tchambers This sounds a lot like when Photo Booth came out and we discovered it at a family gathering and it was just a roundabout of hilarity.
@christianselig Sounds like a good time. Also, every time I see AVP I think Alien vs. Predator. Changes the meaning a bit!
@christianselig It's all fun and games until someone keels over from laughing too hard.
Some say if you listen closely you can hear them laughing to this day…
@christianselig Were you Facetiming with the Aliens or the Predators..?
@christianselig i hate laughing with the AVP on. My cheekbones move the entire device. Lol
@christianselig A giggle loop.