One of those blogpost drafts I have sitting around: "How to build a FOSS, community-oriented browser"
Maybe I'll finish it some day
But hint: the key to all of it is WASM-GC!
@cwebber I've been toying with an idea similar -- creating a commercial open source browser.
I think it's necessary to keep the web free.
We basically have Google running the show with Chrome, selling user data.
Then we have Mozilla, staggering along as a nonprofit with Gecko, taking financial sips from Google as they do.
I think a for-profit open source browser is the only way we can have a community-oriented browser.
@damngoodtech @cwebber For-profit and for-community are mutually exclusive concepts. When resources are low the community will be the first to suffer to keep profit flowing.
@TheOneCurly @cwebber I definitely see your point. Often, yes, they are mutually exclusive. I suppose I'm one of the crazy ones that believes in a bright future where everyone is community-focused, whether it's a for-profit or not.
@damngoodtech @cwebber do you know about ? Should be to 1.0 in a year or two. I’ve watched some interviews with the creator and he seems to have things lined up to complete this browser made on good open source principles. Totally open and not profit driven.
@flypaper @damngoodtech I do know it! It's not quite the same flow I'm suggesting but I am hopeful for Ladybird's success!