31 days until the diss filing deadline
- submitted first tt app
- reviewed page proofs for an article
30 days until the diss filing deadline
- returned to the interview recordings, was that a chuckle or a laugh?
- another attempt at the intro
29 days until the diss filing deadline
- a meeting about my diss w/ folks from a search engine
- maybe came up with a title
- brought my TKs down to 303...
28 days until the diss filing deadline
- sent revisions to my committee
- submitted another tt app?
- need to find the energy to get to render in my draft
27 days until the diss filing deadline
- (pretty successful last few years of really limiting weekend work)
- morning walk talked through the next four weeks w/ Em
- nap time worked on diversity statement, editing from Em
- post-bedtime struggles with a ch
26 days until the diss filing deadline
- morning walk talked again about getting across the finish line
- nap time & post-bedtime: worked on reframing/re-arguing my final analytical chapter. I'm getting closer. Weaving it together. Excited.
25 days until the diss filing deadline
- finish and share revised chapter w/ committee, my final analytical chapter, now called: "Owning searching"
25 days until the diss filing deadline
- finished and shared (rough and incomplete) revised chapter w/ committee, my final analytical chapter, now called: "Owning searching" (Is anyone taking responsibility?)
- TK count: 177 (-126)
24 days until the diss filing deadline
- write note to committee member re changes from feedback
- meeting w/ chair (what is a done diss?)
- update abstract from Em's feedback
- revisions for methods ch.
- finish bits of Owning ch.
- member check notes?
- share draft w/ ?
23 days until the diss filing deadline
Yesterday: focus was methods ch.
Today: focus is methods ch. and conc.
22 days until the diss filing deadline
Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow: Thankful for Emily.
21 days until the diss filing deadline
Yesterday: finished big methods revision
Today: what is a Conclusion?
20… 19… 18… days until the diss filing deadline
Ereyesterday & yesterday: revising from feedback
Today: revising and Conclusion
17 days until the diss filing deadline Conclusion?
Now to sleep, which I've learned is also valuable.
16 days until the diss filing deadline
Figuring out what's left. A lot.
Also tried to get ChatGPT to help me fix my pandoc headers so the sections were not in ALL CAPS and it kept suggesting I use \MakeSentenceCase{ on the page number... So, fancyhdr docs FTW, again.
15 days until the diss filing deadline
One thing that's really nice is reading back over papers and books that I love.
14… 13… 12… 11… days until the diss filing deadline
Sent the completed draft to committee.
Now we wait and see.
And work on applications, and do the dishes and the laundry and don’t look back. But stay flexible for edits and don’t trip over ourselves.
And, filed. “Situating Web Searching in Data Engineering: Admissions, Extensions, Repairs, and Ownership”
@danielsgriffin congratulations!