This description of what happens if OpenAI doesn't like your IP/browser/whatever combo reads like a description of hell.
You have to complete 80 consecutive captchas without error.
What are the odds of even being able to do this? I find that a decent fraction of captchas (select the traffic lights / motorcycles / whatever) are actually wrong and I have to make incorrect choices to be allowed to proceed. Ironically, if you have make no "errors", you can only succeed by doing it fraudulently.
Preferring one app to another because one of the apps presents incorrect captchas is being made fun of here, but isn't that a legitimate (and increasingly common) complaint?
@danluu Once upon a time, Google's ReCaptcha decided I was a Very Bad Person and started giving me terrible, grainy images. As a result, I could no longer log into Patreon. I tried to contact Patreon's support, but that *also* required captchas.
So I email-blasted Patreon to deactivate my account, had no luck with that, and finally contested the next credit card charge. After some back-and-forth, I prevailed.
That was probably a decade ago. It's amazing that this situation has managed to somehow get *worse*.
@danluu that has got to be harder than getting the “catch 100 fish without losing any” stamp in animal crossing new horizons
@danluu isn’t the core problem that even at $20/mo, they are vastly underpricing the amount of compute involved? if you have that kind of magnet it will attract people.
> you can only succeed by doing it fraudulently.
...thus proving you are human!
It works. Eventually.
@danluu hCaptcha has single-handedly denied many websites my business because of how *incredibly* frustrating their captchas can be.
@danluu I built a gaming PC in 2019 and have never had to solve a captcha to launch Steam
Same for playing on Boot Camp from 2013 to 2019, or a different PC before that.
What user interaction triggers this? How are so many people experiencing it?
@jason @danluu they have a lot of background tracking code, and if you are unfortunate that you fall out of the norm in some way, the system flags you as "suspicious" and you get captchas.
Not really coincidentally, a lot of privacy protecting measures make you more "suspicious". But custom setups and accessibility tools may as well, or simply being in the wrong country (no racism to find here, go on, go on).
@mia i wondered if it was an OS thing. I see a lot of gamers rant about never dropping 7, or 10, or whatever. I tend to keep my machines up to date, so maybe that explains the HUGE discrepancy between that thread and what I thought was normal. That sucks.
@piegames yeah I have all the third party cookie stuff turned off, ad blockers, etc. etc. in Safari on my Mac and iOS and do see them occasionally there. My PC’s pretty janky but I’ve never seen a thing on it. Weird.
@jason Consider yourself lucky. I only get few captchas too, except when I turn on Tor, then I can be lucky if I'm even *allowed* to have one instead of getting straight up rejected (by fucking Cloudflare, mostly)
@danluu (as to your question, yes it is a very legitimate complaint. I find captchas decreasingly common, though, across the board)
@danluu of course!
@danluu I also saw this today on reddit. This is a real, serious issue. I don't understand how this is supposed to be funny.
@danluu absolutely!