I suspect the Royal Society is regretting the day they made Elon Musk a Fellow
@deevybee LOL, why did they even do it in the first place? AFAIK, he has no real scientific or engineering credentials
@deevybee They really described neuralink in there unironically, without checking in with any of their bioethicists, huh.
the suspicion was that they hoped he’d give them some money, but he didn’t
@deevybee THAT is the funniest thing I've heard all week, thank you!
@deevybee Proving beyond all doubt what a hollow, vain glorious piece of crap they have always been. These awards and titles handed out like Halloween candy to ‘influential’ types are a farce.
Prince Andrew!
@deevybee this was such a weird and obviously wrong decision even at the time. However did they all vote in favour of that?