i would really like it if someone would build a soundcloud/spotify-like abstraction on-top of mastodon/AP, i dream of those companies one day falling to pieces
Do you realize how much waste goes into just these two companies?
People should just download it, and those businesses would cease to exist and we would buy just a little more time
@ekis it's the industry. They're just working within the limitations that were established a 100+ years ago.
@mike805 @skribe Many artists have said this already
But there is basically like a music cartel, and they mostly get the money anyone is paying into Spotify or Soundcloud
Music should be free, your culture should not be directly related to your class, or material wealth or whatever people want to call it
@ekis @skribe I remember the utopian articles from the mp3.com days. How evil the record labels were and how wonderful things would be once they were dead.
Now artists miss the old days of merely being ripped off by record labels.
A lot of people have proposed utopian schemes to get musicians paid, by counting plays and paying out from some fund. Nobody has figured out how people discover new music in such a system.