Is someone going to be doing a blog / summary of what went down at #fediForum today? I'd like to be able to keep up-to-date on visions for the future etc
@asjmcguire I'm planning to write a wrap-up of the sessions I attended, but since there were multiple tracks going on, that won't be comprehensive of the whole day.
I'd be glad to collaborate with other @fediforum #FediForum attendees on something comprehensive!
@haubles @asjmcguire @fediforum I'm doing a writeup as well of the sessions I've attended. Collaboration would be nice hannah!
@fediversereport @asjmcguire @fediforum Let's! Have you already started? I need to do some other work before I can get started, but I just created a HackMD note. I can share the link with you?