Man vs. AI race scrapped after AI car crashes into wall on warm-up lap
A2RL admits that this is a hard problem, and that's refreshing.
@arstechnica Isn't a race track supposed to be the best environment for this so-called autodriving?
@arstechnica Maybe that doesn't hold when there is another racing car in the track.
@freevolt24 @arstechnica are you confusing "race track" with "closed track"? Cause I've never seen anyone say race tracks are best for self driving
@freevolt24 @arstechnica This particular crash had nothing to do with the track. A variety of conditions led to a situation in which the tires were too cold to provide an adequate amount of grip. A human would have known this from experience and taken steps (swerving back and forth) to warm up the tires. The AI didn't and lost traction on the first turn.