Found a magnet-activated, battery powered LED board+controller on AliExpress ( and turned it into a (chunky) ring with a quick 3D print:
@geekmomprojects Magnet ring for the other hand?
@log that's a good idea! Otherwise I'll keep losing the magnet.
@log @geekmomprojects
Came here to post this
Just beware of the Thing Particles forming a suit around you.
@geekmomprojects idea i had, would it be possible to use a electro magnet to transmit some data into the ring? maybe adding some other effects? is there even a MCU in there?
@mat3 there must be some sort of MCU, and if it were programmable, which may not be the case, I'm guessing, then I'm sure you could transmit data magnetically, though I assume the need for debouncing would make it a slow process. You can buy magnetic trigger ICs pretty cheaply online, and now I'm tempted to experiment with them.
@penguin86 unfortunately, no, but it would be nice if it were
@geekmomprojects @penguin86
8 pin IC
If it has PIC12 pinout you might be able to desolder it and replace it with its programmable equivalent.
@geekmomprojects love this! Would you be willing to share the STL files? Would like to make this into a necklace if possible.
@pieterjansterk hi, yes, but I'm running around the next couple of days, and would have to clean it up a bit before sharing. If I don't post it by early next week please ping me with a reminder.
@geekmomprojects Hi, sorry to bother, but here a ping for a reminder. Thank you so much in advance!
@pieterjansterk sorry for the delay, will get it to you later today
@geekmomprojects That's not a problem, it's a hectic time of the year. My boards have arrived, I want to try to make a necklace for my daughter. Again, great idea and thanks in advance!
@pieterjansterk sorry for the delay. Here is a link to a dropbox folder containing the STL files I used to print the ring parts
@geekmomprojects Great, thanks! Don't worry, again, hectic time. I'm very happy, will make a great small Christmas gift! Thank you so much and happy holidays!