“The Dress was a really interesting case. Suddenly people realized there’s a lot of hidden variety in perceptual experience.… I think #PredictiveProcessing is going to ultimately give us something like a periodic table of experiential variation: all the neurotypical and the atypical cases and everything that lies in between, and all the variety within typical and atypical.”—from my #NautilusMagazine interview with #AndyClark https://nautil.us/reality-is-your-brains-best-guess-312269/
I've felt that "feeling when doing it right" and the feeling "I'm going to do it right", but as a person that attempts to understand the detail in everything, my brain devolved into trying to analyze "how to do it right" which clearly was a bad perception which resulted in expectation that I would get distracted and fall short. It happens nearly every time.
Love the perception diversity concept - I've tried to use this to excuse the obviously irrational behavior around me.