This!!!!!!!! sucks
(explanation: 10th grade students' perceived self-rated ability against their percentile score on a mathematics test. There is a gender gap at every level of mathematics achievement, ie girls at all ability levels rate their abilities lower than boys)
source: Perez-Felkner, L., Nix, S., & Thomas, K. (2017). Gendered pathways: How mathematics ability beliefs shape secondary and postsecondary course and degree field choices. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 218959.
@grimalkina Showed this to our 9th grade teen (boy) - his response: “This is absolutely true, that’s exactly how it is.”
@tsturm nicely done. hope he continues to grow up knowing our beliefs about our abilities aren't always accurate and that this serves to protect his motivation and kindness for many years to come
It’s horrible how we confound overconfidence with ability
@grimalkina @paezha @stepheneb I’ve seen terrible candidates get hired because of this bullshit.