Linux users are so garbage to developers, no wonder everyone hates you. Seriously most of you deserve the #linux desktop.
EDIT: I had to cut out the picture of the person being trashed. That's how garbage these people are.
@jorge The @pidgin community coined the term FSUES or Free Software User Entitlement Syndrome many years ago.
So many users "know exactly what needs to be done" in a project they know nothing about, and will never do anything to help the situation.
Keep this in mind if an Open Source Developer snaps on you, it's probably because you're the 791st person to tell them your issue and that no one has infinite patience.
Personally I'm able.and willing to pay for good Software:
I literally paid €10 p.a. more than once in order to have @thunderbird just work with shit like #MicrosoftExchange simply because #MAPI is garbage and I won't use #Outlook.