"Apple makes a lot of apps, and they could easily afford to assign a team to make Clips truly great. It’s no different than 20–25 years ago, when Apple dedicated itself to making iMovie and Final Cut both great apps."
You're living in the past. It's totally different than 20–25 years ago, because Apple is no longer good at software design. In fact they kind of suck at it now.
Apple's current leadership doesn't care and has no taste. It's the same company in name only.
@lapcatsoftware That’s why I’m calling it out. Clips is alarming, a dead canary.
@gruber The canary died 13 years ago.
I don’t know about CapCut or Edits, but Clips was a half-arsed copy of the editor built in to TikTok (although I’ve not used that for a few years either).
The best thing about Clips was it made your videos stand out from TikTok-made ones as it had different effects. UI-wise, it was just a clone.