I just read (in a comment on an article about how generated code creates outages etc.) a quote by a well-known AI expert (a professor who studies innovation and startups):
"The best prompters I know can’t code at all. They “teach” the AI."
And I keep wondering what his understanding of teaching is. Like: Can you teach something that you don't understand/know how to do?
@tante i sometimes wonder if we (meaning tech journalists) made a mistake by using terms like learning, teaching and intelligence to describe things that computers do. because i feel like nobody listens to the caveat of »this isn’t like a human would do it i'm just saying it like that so that you roughly understand what’s happening here« and just takes these words at face value.
@hagen 100%. The antropomorphization does basically only PR work for big tech
@simsa03 @hagen The question is not whether we're humans or not, but whether humans have cognition, consciousness, or self. Or whether there is anything but "vibes" in those terms. I don't doubt we are different from these machines, but I doubt the vibes we grant our vaunted "selves". Not sure what you mean by "successful" either.