Slavery today is "convict leasing" --
The profiteers include state governments and corporations.
And the system relies on creating lots of new convicts. That's "law and order" in America these days, and expect it to get much, much worse.
Note: This is updated. the expression "convict leasing" was new to me but is not new.
@dangillmor We may be in for a wave of increased justice-system abuse, and this deserves more attention, but why call convict leasing new?
@harmonygritz The name is new (to me anyway).
@dangillmor @harmonygritz I've definitely heard it and variations, it goes back to the civil war, and the failure of reconstruction. If you've never read dubois' black reconstruction, well, you're definitely one of today's lucky 10,000! Seriously an amazing book <3
@quinn @dangillmor For a broad overview that touches on the topic, I recommend Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow (2010).
@harmonygritz Agreed, it's a great book. I read it at the time and was stunned. (She's become the NTY's best columnist.) @quinn
@quinn @dangillmor @harmonygritz it's definitely not a new term or a new phenomenon.