LibreOffice is good; however some users don't prefer it.
Here are some alternatives:
@itsfoss LibreOffice is good but I’ve used ONLYOFFICE for a long time, even when I was still a Windows plebeian.
@itsfoss MS Office compatibility is not much of a selling point for me today, but I'm digging the ribbon interface in #ONLYOFFICE. It makes for the best convenience app to jump horses from proprietary office suite.
@itsfoss Sadly we do not have any good lightweight app for word on Linux at all. I can use #gnumeric for spreadsheets and it's fine, but for word documents I'd rather use #atlantiswordprocessor via #wine than any existing linux-native software as they simply suck (yes, I'm looking at you #abiword !) :(
@nickelson @itsfoss For lightweight needs, I've found that note taking apps or text editors work better than word processors.