this sucks, specially as someone that was ghosted (assume denied) on beehaw signup, I'm glad that instances such as exist where I have the chance to post before assuming I'm an undesirable.
Same here. But I found sdf which seems super cool. Maybe I'll actually learn more than five vim commands now
@plumbercraic @lemmyworld But can you exit vim? That's the real question
Sure thing - ctrl a, c, PS l grep vim, kill - 9 pid
Or something
@plumbercraic Hehehe
[esc]: !sudo kill -9 $(pgrep vim)
Huh. Didnt know about pgrep
You just summed up my last 30 years of Linux. To be completely honest I knew vaguely of it but I've never used it before. My first inclination was to use killall, but something about its force command isn't quite -9 and it refused to terminate the parent application.