How can the media focus be on Cohen in response to this testimony:
“During cross-examination, Cohen admitted to stealing from Trump’s company. He kept money that was meant to go to a tech company hired to rig polls in Trump’s favor”?
Hired to rig polls? This is part of Trump’s defense? Cohen stole money I wanted him to spend committing election fraud, so we shouldn’t believe him when he says I committed election fraud?
@jciv “What, me, steal that huge diamond from the vault last night? Nice try, but I have an alibi!”
“Which is…?”
“At the time of the theft I was in the next town over, stealing THEIR huge diamond. Check the security tapes!”
@jciv So, this is a poorly written sitcom that is really just a dystopian commentary. I remember a movie written in a similar fashion, uh, something-ocracy or something. Turned out to be prophetic I guess. I need a Brawndo(tm).
@jciv to be fair, the poll in question was an online CNBC poll ranking the best businessmen of the past half-century.¹ So, I'm not so sure that was election fraud as much as ego stroking.