The case for liberal anti-capitalism in the 21st century
The most powerful critiques of capitalism are actually liberal critiques in that they appeal to the liberal principles that defenders of capitalism invoke, but show that capitalism does not in fact satisfy them even in the ideal case.
Lots of luck creating a human society devoid of Capitalism where everyone isn’t dirt poor. Decapitating the patient to relieve their scalp psoriasis doesn’t ultimately get them well
What do you mean by capitalism? @general
That’s a salient point… “Capitalism” is one of many words that’s been redefined in a few million ways since '16
Capitalism's defining institutions are
1. The employer-employee contract
2. Private ownership of the means of production
3. Private property in land
The alternative to capitalism I propose, Georgist economic democracy, abolishes 1 and 3. 2 continues formally but there is widespread collective ownership of the means of production. Markets continue to exist to help coordinate production and allocate resources. Many defenders of capitalism incorrectly conflate capitalism with markets @general
The more bare-bones definition of Capitalism would be people engaging in commerce and trade with one another. Private property will vanish, right after red-blooded heterosexual males start ogling Samantha Bee, while going flaccid at the sight of Syd Sweeney’s naked body. I pray that you’re not betting your life’s savings on such a pipe dream becoming a reality