ICYMI yesterday, I was on one of my favorite podcasts, Cancel Me, Daddy! we talked about the #WhippingGirl 3rd edition and how the internet has shaped both the trans and anti-trans movements over the last 2 decades...
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/canceling-trans-and-anti-trans-discourses-ft-julia-serano/id1550508625?i=1000646361910 #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #feminism
...and the day before that, I was on the podcast It Could Happen Here! we talked about the forthcoming 3rd edition of #WhippingGirl and "its wide ranging impact on how we think and talk about trans people"...
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whipping-girl-the-book-that-changed-everything-ft-dr/id1449762156?i=1000645951797 #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #feminism
...more info about the 3rd edition (which has a new Afterword on the current anti-trans moral panic) can be found in this link. & if you're a media outlet/creator interested in writing or interviewing me about it, feel free to reach out!
#trans #transgender #LGBTQ #feminism #books