"Grok" being the name for an AI chatbot is just the latest example of tech bros not understanding science fiction. In "Strangers In a Strange Land", the famous 1950's novel the term comes from, to "grok" something is to understand it on a deep level. AI chatbots, as we all know by now, do not grok—they bullshit.
I'm really tired of sci-fi terms being used by people who read the books and got nothing from them beyond “lol this word sounds cool”. (See also: “metaverse”.)
@jhpot More importantly, anyone who has ever actually used the word "grok" non-ironically might as well have "I am a huge fucking loser" tattooed across their forehead. That's like an ESR level of cringe dweebery.
@FeralRobots @jwz Nice tattoo buddy