A million ppl have already been displaced in #Lebanon and the IDF publishes a map that effectively condemns half the country. These are Shia-majority areas for the most part. This is forced demographic change. Mass ethnic cleansing.
These are also Lebanon’s agricultural areas.
@ayoub War is not pretty.
But it is how it is.
Israel also has large swaths of lands evacuated in the north.
"We have been waiting for this opportunity for years" Says IDF cheif.
If you think that this is about the lands evacuated in the north of Israel in the last 12 months, you are delusional.
IDF wanted this for years, and Netanyahu just wants the war to continue because if it stops.
Then there will be elections in Israel, and he will likely loose power and go to jail because of the court cases from before the war.
@maryjane @ayoub
Is that even slightly surprising?
That man presided over several wars against Israel.
He's the leader of the biggest terror group against Israel.
Yeah, they're happy.
Yes, they've wanted this for a long time.
As for Benjamin Netanyahu, the case against him honestly, looks extremely weak.
It's literally getting 10,000$ worth of gifts. Per year, over 20 years. Which sounds VERY little.
And other minor things.
I'd be surprised he gets prison time.
It's about a bit more than gifts...
"Is that even slightly surprising?"
No, just don't say that the government that has been "waiting for this opportunity for years" is pro peace and cares a lot about civilians.
Or the hostages in Gaza for that matter.
Considering that the biggest return of hostages from Gaza was with negotiation.
And also no not say it is about the lands evacuated in northern Israel.
At least that would be honest.
A government, that wants to kill terrorists, is absolutely, pro peace.
Mercy to the evil, is cruelty to the good.
The fact you're fighting the fact that people are happy that a TERRORIST is dead, makes me believe you support terrorists.
Why aren't YOU happy a terrorist is dead?
The link you send me, literally proves me right.
190,000$ over 20 years.
The rest?
Cookie cutter stuff, democrats & republicans do as well.
And good chance, it'd get dismissed.
Like case 2000.
"Why aren't YOU happy a terrorist is dead?"
Ah yes the classical:
"If you do not unconditionally support what the government of Israel is doing, then you are a terrorist lover."
To put folks with criticism more time on the defense than talking about the things that the government of Israel is doing.
It's getting a bit worn out
"Also the: If you do not support the government that likes killing, then you love killers"
Ain't exactly a truth bomb
Maybe I just like peace
Please define "ethinc cleansing"
Because Israel is doing a terrible job what the google definition of it.
You specifically were against people being happy, over the death of a terrorist.
That is the EXACT statement you make.
The opposite of being happy that a terrorist is dead, is to be UNHAPPY he is dead.
It is not a tough thing to figure out.
"You specifically were against people being happy, over the death of a terrorist.
That is the EXACT statement you make."
Go and get better reading glasses and then go and read again what I "exactly wrote/stated". It's different from the image in your mind.
Go an put words in someone else's mouth.
@lioryair @ayoub
"It conquered the Sainai peninsula, it gave it back to Egypt. That got them peace."
The government Israel gave back Sinai because:
- Egipt never gave up of taking it back
- Kissinger wanted to use that to bring Egipt from the Soviet camp to the Western camp during the cold war, after Yom Kippur war. (And it worked).
Together with other stuff like, the US navy de-mining the Suez canal so it could be reopened (income for the regime of Egipt). US "aid", pouring in money.
It was not out of the "kindness of the heart" of the government of Israel
"They conquered the west bank & gaza strip. They gave it back in 2004, all they got was war, war war."
Bullshit. It was not given.
It was the result of years of Intifada by Palestinians, and pressure from other countries that made the Government of Israel to sit down and accept to negotiate anything at all.
The talks about
It allowed the PA to be created and then, collected taxes in their name, making the PA financially dependent of Israel. And by that neutralizing the non religious Palestinian groups.
And while it said it was opening negotations with the PA about the west bank it also allowed the creation of new Illegal settlements in the west bank surrounding the major cities, making the idea of a Palestinian state impossible.
There where less than 200K illegal settlers in the west bank before 2004, there are more then 700K now.
The governments of Israel over the years, many of them run By Bibi, did not gave the west bank back.
They made a Palestinian state impossible.
Bibi even admits it:
And going back to the part of you twisting what I am saying to portray me as a "terrorist lover". Cause it is probably easier than to debate stuff.
Bibi is the one who loves terrorists:
@maryjane @ayoub
I'd like to remind you, Israel has deflated a solid 75% within the last 50 years.
It conquered the Sainai peninsula, it gave it back to Egypt. That got them peace.
They conquered the west bank & gaza strip. They gave it back in 2004, all they got was war, war war.
You cannot make peace with someone who wants you dead.
This is nothing less than religious holy war, Islam vs Judaism.
From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free. God is great.
That's the statement.
@BetsyBeeee @lioryair @ayoub lioryair is probably a bot, account only created in the last few hours
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
Comfort? No. But as a resident of Philippines, I know that life is not as comfy as you westerners think.
We're constantly under threat from China. But none of yall care.
I have comfort in knowing the overall, peace loving Israelis, have intelligently invested billions in missile defense systems, and mandatory safe rooms in every home.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
Disgusting? Yall are complaining about the suffering of Lebanon & Palestine in times of war, while you couldn't give 2 shits about significantly worse suffering somewhere else.
Why don't you care about the literal genocide in China right now?
China is as of now, committing actual ethnic cleansing. In mass.
You're attacking Israel for defending itself.
Go after the actual big evils of this planet.
Where were you when the northern Israelis were displaced.
Quiet. Hypocrisy.
@lioryair @ayoub So whataboutery is all you've got? How can you tell what any of my opinions are about anything based on the knowledge you have? You wrote a nasty thing showing a complete lack of compassion and you're doubling down. It's embarrassing. You have access to Google. Look up logical fallacies. You're not good at this.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
Because unfortunately, it's extremely predictable.
If you'd like, prove me wrong.
Say right now, that the western world needs to put serious sanctions on China due to it.
And the displacement of Israelis is as bad as the displacement of Lebanon, if not worse.
As well as its right to defend itself, from the 500 missiles just shot at it by Iran.
Go on. I'll hold.
Also while you're at this, there are currently 0 Jews alive in Gaza strip.
Please, condemn actual ethnic cleansing.
@lioryair @ayoub I'm still waiting for you to show any compassion for the people whose lives you unceremoniously dismissed as being irrelevant because war happens. Obviously you don't care about the 10s of thousands of innocent people who have been killed in the topic we're actually discussing. You don't care at all. Of course people in other conflicts matter. That's the point. Picking and choosing of deserving and undeserving victims is the sign of the brainwashed.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
Sure, it's a shame innocent Lebanese folk have been displaced due to Israels retaliation.
And I hope they'll be able to retake their country from Muslim extremism, and be able to live peaceful coexistence with the Israelis.
Especially the poor suppressed Lebanese Christians.
Hopefully Hezbollah shall fall.
And the Lebanese people will be free of their Muslim oppressors.
Now, would you kindly condemn the actions of Muslim extremists vs IL, as well as the Chinese government
@lioryair @ayoub I know a lot of people from China, I've been there and I agree that the government is oppressive, especially to ethnic minorities. In my position as a nobody in the world, I can do very little to help, apart from help the people I meet through my work, which I do do. What do you do to help the oppressed?
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
I've adopted as many god children as I can afford, and do my best to be charitable with my income.
Now please. I've done as you've requested.
Condemn the actions of Muslims extremists such as Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, Syria, as well as the ethnic cleansing of China, as well as its great horrible actions.
And state that the Jewish people of Israel have a right to defend itself.
As well as that the displacement of northern Israel is just as bad, as of Lebanon.
Prove. Me. Wrong.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
So, you think self defense doesn't include counter attack?
You must believe that kids who're assaulted at school should just take it like potato sacks.
Accept reality. You attack a country, it has a right to counter attack.
It is absolutely bonkers, how far Israel is taking steps to defend another countries civilians.
Israel should do what is necessary to disarm their enemies.
Which absolutely would require land entry to Lebanon & Gaza.
Iran, just blow up nuclear & gas produc
@lioryair @ayoub I know a lot of Lebanese people (many of whom are Christians) who are worried sick about their families. They had nothing to with any attacks on Israel. And believe me, they don't think their country being ripped up and destroyed or justified. You don't give a fuck about real people's lives.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
What happened to not attacking people?
Yes, they can, and should be worried about their families.
I suggest they take up arms and uproot Hezbollah.
Now, would you, for the millionth time, condemn terror organizations who publicly call for genocide?
As I'm about to drop this conversation. As clearly, you're a terrorist support.
Why else wouldn't you condemn organizations like Hezbollah & Hamas, if you don't support them?
@lioryair @ayoub I've already said I don't believe in murder. It's pretty clear I don't agree with terrorism as a tactic. Now will you condemn Israeli war crimes and the murder of innocent people including children? Didn't think so. You have "religion' and morals but only for selected people. Of course you're going to drop the conversation. You're a hypocrite.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
I'm seriously, not "religious" at all.
I've done all you ask so far, and you've not given me an inch.
I'm sure Hitler is proud anti semetism is alive and well in the western world.
Have a good day Betsy.
Israeli has done 0 murders thus far, there is nothing for me to condemn.
You're unwilling to condemn the folk who raped hundreds of woman & children.
Clearly, you're a Hamas lover.
Little to discuss with you.
Have a g'day Betsy, I hope you grow up one day!
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
Whatever you say Genocide supporter.
I won't belittle your intelligence, just hope you'll acquire better morals.
@lioryair @ayoub self defence certainly doesn't include attacking others. Where does it end? By attacking others, you end up murdering innocent people who, by your logic, would be justified in self defence by preemptive attacks.
People with flawed logic like you are the reason the world is so messed up.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
It's easy really, they've had years of basically no activity on the border with Lebanon, then Hezbollah attacks Israel.
It's not rocket science. It's really not complicated.
And yes, preemptive strikes, are justified.
If an enemy is amassing soldiers on your borders, and you have intel they're about to attack, it totally makes sense to do a preemptive strike.
Sometimes, I forget how naive people get.
Israel has a right to make sure, they won't be able to do this again.
I also said, that targeting civilians is wrong.
Which is exclusively what they do.
So no.
It's really simple.
The Muslim side actively seeks the murder of civillians.
The Israeli sides actively seeks to kill military targets, and sometimes, kills civilians on the side.
It is really, really simple our dear genocide supporter.
Few conflicts in history, are this black & white.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. From Jews, of course.
The beloved slogan you chant.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
No, I'd like you to specifically state you condemn. Iran, Syria, Hamas, & Hezbollah.
In my religion, it is A OK to defend your nation from its enemies, even if it means the death of civilians of the enemy state.
Civilian casualties are a millennia old fact of war.
Now purposeful targeting of Civilians, is wrong.
Like what Hamas, Hezbollah & Iran do.
Please condemn the organizations of Hamas, Hezbollah, Leadership of Iran, Leadership of Syria.
It's hard to get you to condemn.
@BetsyBeeee @ayoub
Murder is by definition, wrongful killing of another, so no, Murder is not allowed.
Killing of people during war, absolutely is allowed.
And is shown in the holy books of every single religion.
And even without religion, it is absolutely reasonable to kill civilians in war.
I'm sure you don't condemn the British bombing of Germany which killed millions of German civilians do you?
At least, I hope so.