Watching a Green Party politician in NZ say "Capitalism, needs colonization" on the floor of their HoC, after noting it is by its very nature unequal exploitative and reactionary...
Don't tell me your precious liberal leaders CANNOT speak the truth and accept reality; they just don't want to - and they don't want to, to the point that they will choose literal fucking fascism, over sharing.
And yet some of you folks CONTINUE to insist we're on the same side?
Naw man. Absolutely not.
The world is waking up, and if Americans don't want to wake up with it - we will simply be left behind, like every other colonizer fascist society that refused to accept what time it is before us.
You don't have enough bullets to stop reality, from being real.
@AnarchoNinaWrites we'll be dead last just like we were with abolishing slavery. Dead. Last.