@rafadc This was a really fascinating video. I too sometimes think a game can be “too enjoyable” and I can almost feel the little dopamine spikes when some psychologically designed mechanism in the game gets triggered. I was reminded of another video about the game Cookie Clicker which I was hooked on as well at some point. https://youtu.be/2Dx76lD8Scc?si=_Jab-uEkTVeOiZld
@m4ra that video stopped talking about cookies at some point.
Brilliant. Thanks for sharing!
@xankarn It’s all about that GRINDSET. Follow me on LinkedIn to read more.
@m4ra Gamified Sisyphus is my next band name.
@chontorres I hate how much I love being psychologically manipulated by the very things that are supposed to entertain me.
@m4ra I think he would have been happiest to be allowed to spend the points on employees and earth moving equipment to flatten the damn mountain.
@steter …and this was how the game Sisyphus Clicker was born.
@m4ra Sisyphus, the rogue-like
@ticktok As long as the mountain changes ever so slightly after every push, it’s no longer mindless punishment, it’s entertainment.
this is the conditioning effect of playing triple A games - except one vital part was missed - you pay to be Sysiphus.
@FredricT Nice catch, I haven’t seen that comic before! You are truly a scholar.
@m4ra We must imagine Sisyphus gameified.
@m4ra bonus points if they go roguelite with it and give him the appearance of improving his strength over time while occasionally bumping the rock's weight up every so often.
Oh and then charge him money for the experience.
@m4ra gamification is taught in communication and information schools now. And is easy to implement. No wonder it's everywhere
@m4ra Gatcha Sysiphus!