@madeindex @ashleyspencer I'm bored and decided to reply cause I'm also curious, but I'm willing to bet it's masto.host. It's a managed hosting service that doesn't give admins access to the CLI, so anything done through the CLI needs to be done by Hugo, the guy who owns masto.host.
If it's not masto.host, ,maybe it's similar? Interested in the answer here.
Was wondering how so many people have the skills to host #Mastodon, especially considering safety etc., thank you for enlightening me :)
@madeindex @BeAware I went with them (toot.io) because they’ve been in business the longest. We get every little update the day it launches, no tech issues, reliable. I’ve never had to worry about any of the tech stuff. Just get to enjoy being on my own instance. Even if I could have access to the code, I’d want someone who knows what they’re doing to manage that part so I don’t break anything.
@madeindex TBF, if you're decent with Linux, it's not terribly hard with other services like DigitalOcean one-click droplets. That's what I used to get started and then after, it's not too much maintenance work in my experience. Plus, I get MUCH more control than something like managed hosting could give.